

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Real Estalking Again

Gables, stone, shingles.... yep, I could live here.

Ok, so check this out! One of my lovely readers, Leesa, sent this link through to me last night. This home is in Illinois and is only 4 years old. It's on the market for $850,000 USD. Don't you love the photoshopped lawn! I digress.

It's on 800 sqm... so if that block was in Brisbane, within 5 km of the city, you would be looking at paying at least $1000/sqm... $800,000 just for the land, before you put a house on it. Even closer to the city, or in a super nice suburbm a block that big?.... bids would start at $1M+ ... before the house construction is even considered (went to an auction for one a while back....everyone walked away when the opening bid was $1M).

It may not seem a big deal for someone who lives in Illinois... but the features of this home, which seem to be standard, run of the mill, finishes for homes in that hemisphere, are the features that we would kill for here as standard...and are the very features that bring about the blank looks (and the premium prices) from builders down here. "What ya wanna put panelling on the walls for? just in the hall? that'll be  $5000 more, (I kid you not) big skirtings?, an extra $10,000... fancy ceiling?....extra 10, fancy windows? another 30.... waste of time if ya ask me.... aluminium sliders do the job just as good". Quote/unquote. Sigh.

There's my black island bench!

Yeah, basket-weave tile.... probably standard around those parts... while we're all drooling over it down here.

Oh the expense! incorporate stone and detailed windows and eave returns and gable vents and nice trims here in Australia. This place would cost close to $2 million here in Brisbane. I do not lie.

And check out the detail supplied in the listing HERE. All you get told in Australia is the very basics: bedroom numbers, living areas... and if you're lucky, they tell you the land size, which is the most relevant factor considering the value is in the land. I notice in listings in the Southern states, garages aren't mentioned in the listings much! Why is that? It's hard finding stuff, let alone affording it!

When you can get a beautiful 2 bedroom apartment in the 7th arr in Paris for much less than a 2 bedroom apartment in West End, Brisbane (that doesn't have views of the Eiffel Tower!)... and you can build this house and land for this price in IL.... it's not hard to say, 'we're being ripped', here in Australia. Even in regional areas, good luck achieving this beauty... for this price.

What are your thoughts? Do you think real estate is becoming ridiculous here in Australia? I do. Yes, that's my opinion, on my blog. Real estate is a rip off in Australia. There. Done. Don't get me started on the price of food... and electricity...

I'm off to Melbourne. I miss my boys already. I'm a bit sad that it is raining. I have given them permission to climb trees in the rain at Gran's. I hope it's cold down Melbourne way. I'll finally get to wear to my winter woolies!

Happy Wednesday!


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