

Friday, May 6, 2011

Everything But Blogging

It seems like everything but blogging has taken up my time these days. As you have probably noticed with less posts and projects around here. Maybe someday I'll explain, then maybe not...but if you see me "absent" please understand my heart/time is somewhere elsewhere right now.


The lilacs are in full bloom in my neck of the woods. My almost 4 year old loves flowers, so he was tickled pink to cut some blooms and bring them inside!

Aaahh, I wish you could smell our lilacs through your screen right now. The smell is wonderful.

Speaking of wonderful, last weekend was! My parents took our 2 boys for the weekend and hubby and I got to enjoy some well deserved alone time together. We ate too much, had great laughs, took a road trip to Sparks Kansas for a flea market, went fishing and walked a 1/2 marathon (13.2 miles). It was refreshing to spend time with him and remember what is really important in life. Of course, we missed the boys like crazy but it's nice to have that alone time once in a while, which we barely get.

I got a few goodies at the flea market in Sparks. Even a BIG goody parked in my front yard! LOL But today I'll just share my thrifty finds. I got the plate for free, bowl for $2 and the creamer for 25 cents. They all have a great creamy color to them with wonderful detail.

I'll have to go outside over the weekend and take a picture of my big purchase to share with you. It's old but handmade...there's your hint.

The 1/2 marathon was wonderful! My hubby and I trained for 2 months at the beginning of the year with the intentions of running. Illness and life changes came our way, so in the end we decided to walk it. Walking was equally challenging. At mile 10, my hips felt like cement. I was so it didn't help that I haven't worked out 2 months. LOL But we finished it and I am so glad I decided to do it. My head has been elsewhere these last couple months so it felt like new beginnings as we crossed the finish line together. As corny as that might sound. :)

Now I have been paying for it all week. Monday and Tuesday I was walking around like a 90 year old...and I've been extremely tired all week. I'm finally feeling back to my "normal" self. But realize I need to focus more on my health and well being...another good reason to step back from blogging a bit.

If you blog, how do you balance it all? I've been blogging for over 3 years now and still haven't figured it out. LOL I would love to see your tips and hints left in the comments.

Don't Forget about the awesome giveaway HERE from Vintage Gwen! It's a super and generous giveaway from Jennifer. She has amazing talent with an awesome blog!

Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Mother's Day to all you hard working mommas out there! And Happy Mother's Day to my mom. Love you! 


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