

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Neck Of The Woods

Have been running a different route in the mornings... mixing it up a bit. 
Rumour has it that if you change your route often, it improves your memory power. 

It's been a great opportunity to peek over and through fences at some beautiful homes...

Most days, I catch the sunrise...

I pass these guys just as the sun hits the horizon.

If I head out later than the sun, I head to a beautiful park by the river.....

... where if you squint your eyes, you could be in Central Park.... sort of.... if you dismiss the kookaburra laughs and cockatoo screeches overhead.

There's a park bench right here, with this view. If I didn't have to be back home in a rush most days, I'd park myself here. I might even do that one morning.... come back and work from here.

I don't know about you, but today I am working!... and not here at home! I have had one of those weeks where it has been very difficult to get large blocks of time to work without being distracted, interrupted or needing to be elsewhere for appointments. I am craving a six hour block of uninterrupted work time... so I am heading to the shed... to meet some customers... and then I'll sit and work... in the Saturday morning peace and quiet. 

I have orders to pack, emails to reply to, invoices to pay. Today's the day!

Forgot to do my #exerciseshot for Katrina this morning too! .... talking too much as I have company on the weekends! Sorry love!

Have a great weekend!



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