

Friday, September 21, 2012

It's Been A Rather Amazing Week

We've had an action packed week here. Talk about life changes! Our big son is now in Japan. Haven't heard anything from him yet, since he got to Tokyo, except a quick email from Changi airport saying that he got to Singapore.... and that he 'loves us more than anything in the world'. Good start.

We have skyped and emailed .... and are sort of dying to get in contact with him as it's been a week of good news for our hard working boy.

As well as getting Honours for his piano exam, we found out yesterday (after he had left the country) that he had been accepted into the selective Senior School he has been sitting exams and doing interviews for over the past term. He will be beside himself! A school with an OP 1 equivalent track record of 50%..... he now stands a good chance of achieving his goal of a career in Medicine. So happy for him.

There has been a lot of 'proud tears' shed in this household this week. After the airport drop off, the 3 of us sat on the couch at home and just cried... that he'd gone, that he'd done so well, that we loved him, that we loved each other, that little one was feeling so bereft. Tear, tears, tears!

Put him to work in the shed this week. A bit of real life 'home schooling'!

Little one is also changing schools. He has not enjoyed his last year of school and the Prep school was not living up to our expectations, after 8 years and a swag of hard earned school fees... so I quit the Prep School 5 seconds after my meeting with the Prep School Principal last week. "Son, this will be the last day you ever wear this uniform". Nothing like standing up for what you believe in.

Little one will be starting a new school next term. We have already had the tour with the most personable principal and have met every class and every teacher. They are so excited to have him and have already planned for him to coach the little Prep kids in soccer and they have already found a place for him in the school musical next term. He's delighted. It's a little school so we hope to find much happiness and get right back on track.

So we will be moving again to be close to the boys' new schools!  Hopefully we'll be close enough to be able to walk to at least one of them! Very exciting. Love me a new neighbourhood. I might even be able to unload some of my stored pretties from the shed.

I've had a rather lovely week too. One of my customers sent me this beauty. I had eyed it off in an East Hampton bookstore but decided that my luggage was already straining ...and I'd only been in the country a few days! Thank you C.... it is bringing me such joy!

Of course there had to be a bloggy lunch thrown in there ... with glamorous sandwiches....

... and evil desserts.... and lots of talk of 'interesting developments' as FF would say.

I've tried to even it all out.. with more of this....

.. and this.

Even Brian and Nigella have been enjoying gastronomical delights! Shudder.

It's school holidays now, so there's going to be a bit of this.....

.. sorry son. Character building. I spent most of my school holidays in a piano practice room, while my Mum lectured at the Uni. Pity I didn't actually practise the piano while I was in there. I could have been quite good.

Have a great weekend!
Oh, and don't forget to enter my '$500 Masters Room Makeover Competition' HERE. It closes next Friday!


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