

Monday, August 6, 2012

Would You Believe...

Beautiful cast iron details, Midtown.

....that I haven't even been to Central Park yet? Only having one day in NYC, before 3 days in The Hamptons, 2 days of blog conference and then a day yesterday at Woodbury Common, I am looking longingly at my NYC maps, whispering to myself', "soon A-M, soon".

I am so glad Katrina is around at the moment. As much as I love travelling alone, it's great to have someone to giggle with over things. We've had so many laughs over real characters we have met in our adventures...a Latino lady who kept telling us to "stand here, here, here, no stand here, here, here" whilst waiting for the bus yesterday. If we put one foot over the pavement line, she'd be back, shuffling us around, "stand here, here". We would deliberately put our toes over the line just so she would waddle back and tell us where to stand again.
Then there was the 'Subway Soup Nazi' (subway ticket booth man) who started off rude and just intolerant of tourists who could not understand his Mexican accent....and then he got just plain scary, when he started yelling from behind the glass at larikins jumping the turnstiles, "you go to jail, come here, you go to jail, I call the police" ....just like the soup nazi in 'Seinfeld'. Of course we all fumbled swiping our Metro cards after his tirade, as we were all so scared of him he started yelling at us! "faster, faster, faster"! ....telling us to swipe our cards faster so the turnstile would work and let us through. We couldn't get through those turnstiles fast enough and dissolved into hysterics once out of ear shot of him.

So I am making the most of the fact that Katrina is here until Wednesday, totally hijacking her 'second honeymoon' (she'll roll her eyes when she reads that) and joining her and hubby again today to do 'The Highline'. Google it! Great story. Such a fabulous, forward thinking city. Thanks to Anna Spiro, I would have not known about it. Thanks for all your tips Anna, I am following through a lot of them later in the week!

Put these in just for Faux Fuchsia.
FF, Missoni are now reading your blog!
Oh and yesterday, despite professing to be a non consumer and announcing to the world that I have everything I need ....and that I would be the only tourist heading home with room in my bags, yesterday I found myself at Woodbury Common, the outlet mecca, practically screaming in Kate Spade, where they had up to 60% off their reduced outlet prices!

And don't get me started on Converse.....never owned a pair in my life...and now my whole family will be dressed top to toe in Converse. I can see how this consumerism starts. I could get used to it! I mean $40 a pair with the second half price and $10 shirts. Get out!
So I am caught up in this whirlwind that is New York at the moment. I can't get enough of it. I just counted on my fingers, I have 8 more days here, 8 more intense days to create memories, ploughing through my very long 'to do' list. I am going to squeeze the life out of this place and land exhausted on that plane.....and I am going to share as much of it with you as I can!

Off to breakfast now and then out into New York's dirty, hot, humid, crowded, magical streets!

A-M xx



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