

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Today Was Like A Hundred Christmas Mornings

I experienced pure joy today. I hired a bike and rode to the Hampton Designer Showhouse in Watermill ..... and then spent the next 4 hours riding and exploring .... and sneaking through hedges.... and up driveways.... and crawling over sand dunes catch a glimpse of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen.

The air was warm and smelt so sweet with the scent of summer flowers .... and the streets were so quiet with sounds of such beautiful birdsong. I pedalled that bike like there was no tomorrow.....and I cried a disbelief at the magnitude of wealth and the sheer beauty of its manifestation, in joy at being able to see it in real life and in the realisation that I was living that very moment in a future treasured memory. When you wait 45 years to realise a dream, the tears flow freely. Who'd have thought?

I made beautiful memories today. I am so grateful...and I am beyond exhausted. I have loaded up a few photos on Instagram....but the stories will have to wait.... as I need to sleep.

I have enough stories to fill my blog for a year and enough photos to never have to pinch and credit a photo again for a very long time. I have lots to show you but now I must sleep.

Sweet dreams all.

A-M xx



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