I'm back minus my blog header and not even really sure how or why. It goes like this my entire blog images were completely blocked by blogger, I had to delete over two years of blog posts to remove all the black images which once were my daily posts. I am a dinosaur when it comes to computers so this really challenged my ability. Did you know that blogger can completely block all your images for absolutely no reason at all, it takes only one person to make a complaint and bang you are completely deleted without explanation!!! now the fun part is trying to get answers, google/blogger have forums you post on, we posted ten requests and received only one response from another blogger.
I would hate to think this was deliberately done by another blogger as my only response was that someone may have seen an image I did not credit and reported it to blogger, well lesson learnt however a simple email or comment may have been a nicer approach. On the good side it was a great way to clean up my blog and so here I am back on my blog and looking forward to sharing lots of posts with you. Thank you for all the emails I received over the last week it was really touching to have so many people say how much they loved and missed my blog.
While I was away from my blog I had time to source lots of beautiful images and this devine house is one of them. Home to designer Robert Couturier and Jeffrey Morgan, this Neo Classical home is featured in Annie Kelly's, Litchfield style, a book now definitely on my wish list. The gardens are amazing!
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